The Black Lives Matter UK Virtual Gallery


Virtual 360 Gallery

Black Lives Matter UK brief to TD360 was to create a gallery an experience that was not only inspiring and educational, developed from a personal connection with each artist. 'Art is about stories, so having the ability for the artwork to come to life and the artist to talk about their inspiration behind the work was invaluable.'

The gallery was commissioned in BHM 2021 and for it to be live in perpetuity, accessible day and night for the foreseeable future. People will be able to view the gallery and all the videos within at their own pace from wherever they are whenever they want. Unlike physical galleries, there is no capacity for this exhibition which means this gallery experience is truly inclusive and will reach a wide audience from every corner of the world, around the globe.

To enjoy the Full Virtual 360 Experience of the 'Black Lives Matter Exhibition, simply click button to enter gallery.

Foreword by Eddie Chambers

Spoken by Kane Obeke-Aru intro page

The Black Lives Matter UK Virtual 360 Gallery

View doc below to view full foreword.

Foreword by Eddie Chambers

Case Study

Black Lives Matter UK partnered with TD360 and WeTheSeeds creative arts agency to produce an exhibition that fitted our vison and strict and specific brief. - The exhibition lived up to our expectations.

We are also very proud to of the 20 fantastic Black British artists participated and helped bring this gallery to life, we couldn't have done it without them!

WeTheSeeds were valuable in helping find and choose the 20 artists involved in the project along with helping to communicate with the artists during the project.

The gallery allows users to explore the exhibition, when click on paintings it shows a video of the artist speaking about their inspirations behind the artwork.

Black Lives Matter UK launched of the gallery was in line with Black History Month (October 2021) The gallery will however be live in perpetuity and accessible day and night for the foreseeable future.

People will be able to view the gallery and all the videos within at their own pace from wherever they are whenever they want. Unlike physical galleries, here is no capacity for this exhibition which means this gallery is none other than a truly inclusive experience and will reach a wide audience.

We echo Tom Vale, statement in that we have developed a strong and trusted relationship with TD360 along with WeTheSeeds that lasted throughout this process and are looking forward to potentially working with them on future projects.

TD360 is a creative Google Trusted Agency that produces high quality virtual tours -

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